CfP: Armenian Graduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies at UCLA

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    • #6263
      Jesse Arlen

      Call for Papers (deadline: September 15).
      Please feel free to share!

      18th Annual Graduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies
      University of California, Los Angeles
      Friday, February 7, 2020

      The UCLA Graduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies Committee invites current graduate students and recent graduates (MA or Ph.D within the last two years) to present their research at the 18th Annual Graduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies on Friday, February 7, 2020 at the University of California, Los Angeles. Research papers are accepted on all aspects of Armenian studies, including but not limited to literature, history, gender studies, sociology, anthropology, economics and art history. Papers that make use of comparative themes and interdisciplinary approaches are particularly encouraged.

      Applicants are asked to submit an abstract of no more than 250 words and a curriculum vitae by September 15, 2019 to the submissions page (…/…/graduate-abstract-submissions/).

      Abstracts should be written in a way that is accessible to a broad academic audience (i.e. limit the use of discipline-specific jargon) and should provide a clear, focused description of the topic as well as the theoretical perspectives of the paper. Each abstract will be given a blind review by the committee and will be evaluated based on the originality of the topic and the clarity of the abstract with regard to argument, methodology and expression.

      Please note that a 20-minute time limit will be strictly enforced for each paper (roughly 8-10 pages, double-spaced). Accepted speakers will be required to submit a draft of their paper by December 15, 2019.

      As part of the colloquium’s schedule of events, speakers will have the opportunity to meet UCLA Armenian studies faculty and students, tour the university’s Armenian studies resources and visit Armenian studies classes.

      Priority of acceptance will be given to those who have not presented at the colloquium before and limited travel grants will be offered to speakers who cannot secure outside funding.

      Thanks to a generous donation, a $500 prize will be awarded for the best paper presented on an aspect of the history and culture of the Armenian community of Salmast, Iran.

      Please send any questions to the Graduate Student Colloquium in Armenian Studies Committee at

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