The Caucasus at the ASOR Annual Meeting: Cocktails at 6 on Friday!

Home Page Forums South Caucasus Forum The Caucasus at the ASOR Annual Meeting: Cocktails at 6 on Friday!

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    • #4714
      Elizabeth Fagan

      At the American Schools of Oriental Research annual meeting, we usually have an annual session on the “Archaeology of the Black Sea and Caucasus.” Sadly, this year our session was cancelled at the last minute due to withdrawn papers, but if anyone’s going to Boston for the conference this weekend (November 15-18), please join us for cocktails at 6 p.m. on Friday 11/17 in the Westin Hotel’s Birch Bar!

      And there will still be talks about the Caucasus. The program can be found here. Anyone interested should take note of papers given in the following sessions:
      -Archaeology of the ancient Near East: Bronze and Iron I, Thursday starting at 8:20 a.m.
      -Developing Isotopic Investigations in the ancient Near East and Caucasus, Saturday starting at 8:20 a.m.
      -Altered States: Alternative Trajectories to Complexity in the ancient Middle East, Saturday starting at 4:20 p.m.
      -Soft Power of Place: Cultural Diplomacy, Archaeology, and Overseas Research Centers, also Saturday, starting at 4:20 p.m.

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