The Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections is accepting applications for an Archival Fellowship, in conjunction with the closing year of University of Kansas’ World War I Commemoration.
The Archival Fellow will work with Dole Archives staff to evaluate relevant archival holdings and develop a topic guide and online teaching module based on Senator Bob Dole’s career advocacy on behalf of Armenia. The final product will be used as an introduction to this topic for K-12, university, and general public audiences.
The Archival Fellow will work with Dole Archives staff to:
- Select and describe materials for a topic guide dedicated to Senator Dole’s relationship with Armenia and Armenian Americans
- Present Dole’s Armenian advocacy in historical and contemporary context
- Identify other complementary historical collections
- Create a reference file/bibliography on relevant published sources
- Design a recorded oral history interview for Senator Bob Dole
See examples of existing topic guides at
Graduate students and post-doctoral scholars are eligible to apply for this $2500 award. Preference will be given to applicants demonstrating expertise in Armenian Studies, Eurasian Studies, Migration Studies or relevant foreign policy or legislative history, with some library cataloging and/or archival processing experience.
The fellow will be required to conduct research at the Dole Archives for a period of 1-2 weeks between October 1, 2017, and April 30, 2018. On-campus housing may be available.
Complete applications for the Research Fellowship must be received in whole by the Dole Archives on or before September 4, 2017. Awardees will be notified by September 22, 2017.
See full call at