ASCN Scholarship For Participation In ECPR Methodology Summer School

ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques 2015
23 July – 8 August 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia
The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) regularly organizes summer schools for PhD candidates in political science. The “ECPR Summer School in Methods and Techniques” planned on 23 July – 8 August 2015 in Ljubljana provides high quality up-to-date training in a broad range of specially selected methods across the whole spectrum of approaches employed within the social sciences.

In line with its main objective to support promising young researchers from the South Caucasus, ASCN offers 2 PhD students in social sciences from Universities in Georgia and Armenia the opportunity to participate in this 2-week Summer School.

Courses and Modules

Scholars must choose one or two modules from the courses SB101 to SB109, SC101 to SC105, SD101 to SD107 and SD201 to SD208 as described on the course list of the summer school website. Participation in a 3-day refresher course (SA101 to SA107) may also be covered by ASCN and is strongly encouraged. Full information about the summer school is to be found here.

Eligibility criteria

PhD candidates in social sciences (political science or sociology) from any university in Georgia or Armenia
Citizens of Armenia or Georgia normally residing in Armenia or Georgia
strong skills in research methodology
excellent knowledge of English
Candidates with potential to transfer the acquired knowledge further within their institution (through teaching) will be given priority.

Deadline: Please merge all the requested documents into one single pdf file and submit the application to info “at” until 20 April 2015 with the following subject line: ECPR Summer School / ASCN. Applications submitted after 20 April 2015 will not be taken into consideration. Further Information is available here