Call for Book Chapters: From Multi-ethnic Societies to Homogeneous States: Collective Memory and Fiction on Emergence of Modern Nations, Armenia and Azerbaijan

The editors invite you to contribute papers to the edited volume From Multi-ethnic Societies to Homogeneous States: Collective Memory and Fiction on Emergence of Modern Nations, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The goal of the book is to examine how fiction, film and public memory in Azerbaijan and Armenia reflect the consequences of the disintegration of the USSR in the South Caucasus, when both ethnically diverse former Soviet republics became independent, ethnically homogeneous nation states. The forthcoming book will examine the first and second Karabakh wars together with the mutual ethnic cleansing involved. Traditionally, Western scholars have portrayed the disintegration of the Soviet Union in a positive way, with the leaders of the nationalist’s movements as champions of democracy and defenders of human rights. However, closer analysis of literature, public memory and films in the South Caucasus from the end of 1980s until today reveals a different picture. Harassment, expulsion, and the ethnic cleansing of minorities (Azeris in Armenia and Armenians in Azerbaijan) cast particular doubt on this rosy view. Through fiction, memoirs and contemporary films, we intend to devote attention to anti-Armenian violence in Azerbaijan and anti–Azeri violence in Armenia: i.e. the anti-Armenians pogroms in Sumgait (February of 1988), the pogroms in Baku (January of 1990), the expulsion of the Azeri population from Armenia (end of 1980s), the first Karabakh War (1992-1994), the Second Karabakh War (September 27 -November 10, 2020), and the ethnic cleansing of Azeri people in Khojaly (February of 1992).  Indeed, the Karabakh conflict has been one of the bloodiest in the former Soviet Union. 

Practical aspects:

The selected contributions will be peer-reviewed, which may lead to full acceptance, acceptance with requested revisions, or non-acceptance. Our editors: Mikail Mamedov, Department of History and School of Continuing Studies, Georgetown University; Ulvi Ismayil, independent historian and political scientist, Fairfax,  Northern Virginia; Peter Orte, Department of Russian language and literature at the University of Hawaii-Manoa; Nona Shahnazarian, the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences, Yerevan, Armenia and an affiliate the Center for Independent Social Research, St. Petersburg, Russia.

To be considered, please send your work, with an abstract of 300 words and a short biography, no more than one page for peer review to by July 30.Preliminary accepted authors should be notified by September 30, 2021. Selected authors will be asked to rewrite, change, and resubmit their papers. The authors are expected to resubmit their final works by the end of October 2021. The volume is expected to be published by Spring or Summer of 2022.   

Your paper should be between 6,000 words (24 pages) and no more than 7,500 words (30 pages). Standard Paper Format

  • Typewritten on 8.5 x 11-inch white paper
  • Double spaced
  • Standard size and style font (Times New Roman 12)
  • Standard margins (margins of 1 inch [top and bottom] and 1 or 1.25 inches on the sides)
  • Numbered pages

The editors will accept 8-12 contributions from among the proposals received.

Please see the full call at