There is already a pressing challenge faced by the higher education globally posed by the need to answer to the needs of a knowledge society. As an emerging field, however, the EU Studies face peculiar problems. The structural differences and divergent trends within the EU integration, frequently described as a fracture along North-South, East-West or centre-periphery lines, creates a challenge to teaching and learning the EU integration in diverse settings which are at different points of the EU integration. The picture gets more complicated when it comes to teaching EU Studies at ‘the periphery’ where the EU integration is predominantly an ongoing process and a moving target and the EU Studies faces the danger of being perceived as a derivation of how the country in question is doing with regard to the EU integration rather than an autonomous scientific discipline. In this respect, it is necessary to uncouple practical hurdles of the EU integration process from academic research within the EU Studies.

Within the framework of the LEAP Jean Monnet Network, the one-and-a-half-day workshop will focus on educational aspects of the EU integration and aims to unfold complexities and challenges of teaching and learning the European Union.

We invite scholars, doctoral candidates as well as other experts to contribute to this topic by submitting their papers on how ‘Europe’ in general and the EU in particular are taught and learnt in diverse settings.

Please send a 250 words abstract to until 9 February 2020. Decisions on submitted abstracts will be communicated by 14 February 2020. Successful candidates should submit their full papers 10 days before the workshop.