Ethnocultural Diversity and Intercultural Communication in Georgia

24-26 October, 2019
Tbilisi, Georgia

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Faculty of Humanities, National Parliamentary Library of Georgia, Association of librarians of Georgia and Association of Anthropologists of Georgia will host the International Conference Ethnocultural diversity and intercultural communication in Georgia.

The conference aims to gather the researchers from different scientific centers of the world to discuss diversity and intercultural communication on the example of Georgia. The issue of intercultural communication due to the ongoing processes in the modern world (globalization, migrations, conflicts) became the top topic. Active involvement of foreign researchers in the discussion implies coverage of the issue on international level. This will be one of the tangible results of the conference. The conference will continue for three days. Then the thematic sections will work on the following topics:

1. History of ethno-cultural diversity in Georgia;
2. The everyday life and culture of ethno-cultural groups;
3. Historical and modern contacts and parallels;
4. Religious diversity;
5. Interconnecting communication channels.

Two days of the conference sessions will be held at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and one day at National Parliamentary Library of Georgia.

The conference participants will be selected after the evaluation of the applications and abstracts.

The target group of the conference is: the local and foreign researchers working on ethno-social and social processes in Georgia, young scientists, students and interested society. The conference is open for researchers in the Humanities, Social Sciences and the neighboring fields.

The conference working languages are Georgian and English.

The venue of the conference: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and National Parliamentary Library of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia.
Working languages: Georgian, English
Presentation Formats: Oral Presentations

Times for presentations:
Presentation – 20 minutes;
Discussions – 10 minutes;

Key dates:
Registration – July 15 – September 5, 2019;
Review of the abstracts – September 5-20, 2019;
Acceptance notification – until 5 October, 2019;
Deadline for submission of the full text of the paper- October 15, 2019;
Deadline for making changes to the program – October 15, 2019.

Abstracts received later than the indicated deadline will not be accepted.

Contact info of Organizational Committee: Giorgichubini “at” gmail. com
For more information, see