Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) invites civil society organizations registered in Georgia (unions, foundations, community-based organizations, coalitions and the media) to participate in the Foundation’s Open Door grant program. This program is designed to test short-term, innovative projects in new fields. EPF places special emphasis on funding recently founded organizations or riskier project ideas that have the potential to be replicated on a larger scale.
EPF accepts applications through the Open Door grant program throughout the year (i.e. there is NO explicit deadline). Projects should correspond with the Foundation’s mission to empower people to effect change for social justice and economic prosperity through hands-on programs, helping them to improve their communities and their own lives. Projects should fall within EPF’s mandate areas: Civic Participation and Monitoring, Corporate and Community Philanthropy, Research and Policy Capacity Building, Business Environment Improvement and Cross Border Cooperation. For more information about these mandates and the Open Door program, please visit EPF’s website.
For additional information, please visit: