Open Calls for Papers

This page lists open calls for papers, primarily for publications.  Any revolving deadlines appear in bold.

Call for manuscripts in a book project on modernity, space and gender

Dr. Alexandra Staub, Associate Professor of Architecture at Penn State University is currently planning an edited volume on modernity, space and gender, using case studies from a variety of national contexts as seen through the lens of gender. Scholars who can contribute to this project by writing on how “modernity” has been shaped and defined in various cultures, how this has been used to inform public policy and spatial arrangements, and how this intersection of modernity and spatial practice has helped or hindered women are encouraged to contribute. The volume would present thematically linked case studies of spatial practices and their gender implications across the globe. The papers that present comparison between countries with strong social programs (such as Scandinavian countries), those with liberal or neo-liberal policies (such as the United States or Britain), rapidly developing countries (such as China or India), countries that have transitioned from a socialist economy to a capitalist one (such as Russian and other countries in Eastern Europe), and countries marked by a strong political dichotomy between modernization and traditionalism (such as Turkey or Iran) are especially welcomed .

If you are interested in contributing to this volume, please send an email with a short description of your work to Alexandra Staub, Associate Professor of Architecture, Penn State University: acs11 “at”

Call for Manuscripts – Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics & Society (SPPS)

The book series Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics & Society (SPPS), launched in 2004, publishes new empirical research on understudied aspects of the post-Soviet transitions. With more than 140 titles available in English, German, and Russian, SPPS is one of the most comprehensive resources on the recent history and current affairs of post-Soviet states.
The series’ goal is to identify themes that have remained below the radar of mainstream international research. Many important aspects of the transformation of the former Warsaw Pact states have not yet been systematically analyzed. SPPS aims to create a space for this to happen.
SPPS is currently open for submission of book projects that fit this remit. We are glad to consider proposals for research monographs, edited collections and, in some cases, PhD-theses for publication. SPPS is also open for proposals of re-publications of seminal but not widely available works and translation projects.
We explicitly welcome contributions based on anthropological research and related areas.
All SPPS titles are published as accessibly priced paperbacks, allowing for the widest possible dissemination. Submissions are reviewed by the prestigious Editorial Committee and Advisory Board, spear-headed by Series Editor Dr Andreas Umland (Kiev).
Please request further information and proposal submission guidelines from:
Jakob Horstmann, Ibidem Commissioning Editor:mjh “at”
You can find previously published titles and additional information about the series at

Call for submissions: The Journal of the Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (ACME/EASA)

The Journal of the Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (ACME) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the anthropological studies of all societies and cultures in the Middle East and Central Eurasia. 

Its scope is to publish original research by social scientists not only in the area of anthropology but also in sociology, folklore, religion, material culture and related social sciences. It includes all areas of modern and contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, China) including topics on minority groups and religious themes. The journal also will review monographic studies, reference works, results of conferences, and international workshops. ACME also publishes review essays, reviews of books and multimedia products (including music, films, and web sites) relevant to the main aims of the journal. All submissions for articles are peer-reviewed.

ACME is published with the financial support and collaboration of Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France.
For general enquiries and Instructions for Authors, please visit:
Founder&Chief Editor-Pedram Khosronejad- Oklahoma State University, USA; Assistant Editor- Leonardo Schiocchet, Institute for Social Anthropology (ISA) Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria; Book Review Editor- Brian Callan- Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK.; Film Review Editor-Michael Abecassis, University of Oxford, UK.

For general enquiries and Instructions for Authors, please visit:

Call for Book Manuscripts – “Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics & Society” (SPPS)

The trilingual scholarly book series “Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics & Book Series “Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society” (SPPS) was launched in 2004 by Andreas Umland, and is published by ibidem Press. SPPS publishes new research on understudied aspects of the history of the former Soviet bloc and on the post-Soviet transitions. With more than 120 titles available in English, German, and Russian, SPPS is now a comprehensive resource and established publication series, on the recent past and current affairs of the post-Soviet states.

The series provides an outlet for empirical research on a broad variety of themes within the field of communist and post-communist studies. Among them are those issues that sometimes remain under the radar of mainstream publishing on the region including, among many other topics, political radicalism, higher education, religious life, local history, bilateral relations, cultural innovation, minority protection, ethnic tensions, etc. Many important determinants and aspects of the transformation of the former Warsaw Pact states have not yet been systematically analyzed. SPPS aims to create a space for this to happen.

SPPS is open for submission of book projects that fit this remit. We will be glad to consider proposals for research monographs, edited collections and, in some cases, doctoral theses for publication. SPPS is also open for proposals of re-publications of seminal, but not widely available works and translation projects.

All SPPS titles are published as accessibly priced paperbacks, allowing for the widest possible dissemination. Submissions are reviewed by members of the large Editorial Committee and Advisory Board, headed by the series’ General Editor Andreas Umland, Dr. phil. (FU Berlin), Ph. D. (Cambridge), at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

Please request further information and proposal submission guidelines from:

Jakob Horstmann, ibidem Commissioning Editor

Please find previously published titles and additional information about the series at

CFP: “Forum noveishei vostochnoevropeiskoi istorii i kul’tury [Forum for Contemporary East European History and Culture]”

Invitation to submit papers and essays either, in Russian, for publication, or, in English, German or Ukrainian, for translation into Russian and subsequent publication, to the Bavaria-based, Russian-language, open-access web journal:  “Forum noveishei vostochnoevropeiskoi istorii i kul’tury [Forum for Contemporary East European History and Culture ]” at

ZIMOS, the Institute for Central and East European Studies of The Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, in Upper Bavaria, invites research papers for its interdisciplinary Russian-language open-access web journal “Forum for Contemporary East European History and Culture” .

The Russian “Forum” has been published twice per year, since 2004, as a scholarly WWW periodical supplementing ZIMOS’s printed German-language “Forum fuer osteuropaeische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte.” See


We require properly footnoted, scholarly researched, well-structured, and thoroughly edited Russian-language texts with a length of no less than 4,000 and no more than 14,000 words. Papers should be based on primary as well as secondary sources, which are fully listed and adequately presented, in footnotes. You may also submit shorter essays, discussion pieces, and book reviews.

We are not only interested in original papers that have not yet been published anywhere. We are also happy to re-publish papers that might have already been printed in Russian or other languages before, but that are, so far, not freely available, in Russian language, on the WWW. In the case that a paper has been published in a Russian printed edition (journal, collected volume) or non-Russian outlet before, authors will have to provide an explicit permission, by the editors of the periodical, website or book where the article originally appeared, for re-publication as a Russian-language PDF file in our open-access web journal. We will usually not re-publish papers that are already available in Russian, on the WWW.

Papers accepted content-wise for publication will only be published in case of a proper adaptation of its linguistic quality and formal style  (footnotes, punctuation, headings, references, citations etc.) to the standards of the “Forum” by the author/s. When preparing your text for publication, please, use this formal style required of the final editions of the papers to appear:

All versions of the papers should be submitted as MS Word Documents.

For authors who wish to publish an English-, German- or Ukrainian-language text on the special issue’s topic in Russian language, we can provide qualified Russian translating services. We have professional interpreters who will provide high quality translations which will be edited – stylistically and orthographically – by the journal’s editorial board members.

Unfortunately, however, we do not have funds to pay translators. Thus, we regret to state that the costs for translation will, as outlined below, have to borne fully by the author her- or himself. In addition, after provision of a draft translation by our expert-translator, authors will be required to carefully check the translated Russian draft version, before the translator produces the final version of the text for publishing.

The translator will, after delivering a satisfactory final version of the translation, have to be paid, by the author/s, EUR 0.07 per word of the English, German or Ukrainian original version of the article, i.e., for instance, EUR 350 for a 5,000-word article. The word count includes also non-Russian bibliographical literature listed in the footnotes that will not be translated into Russian or transcribed into Cyrillic, yet the formal style of which will be adapted to the format of the “Forum” by the translator. The copyright of the Russian version of the article remains with the translator until the author has made payment for the translation.

Authors of texts that have been published in English, German or Ukrainian before are advised to clarify with the editors of the periodical, book, or non-Russian web site (where the paper originally appeared) whether re-publication in a Russian-language web journal is permissible. The editors of the “Forum” will not take responsibility for any violations of copyright.

Please, submit your text as an MS Word Document to:

leonid.luks “at” ku-eichstaett. de

andreas.umland “at” stanfordalumni. org

If you intend to submit a text, but are still working on its contents and style, or on its translation into Russian, please, send us a brief message with the title of your paper, and the expected final submission date.

We reserve the right to reject texts that either do not fit the purposes of our journal, or the format and quality of which do not correspond to the “Forum’s” standards.

The “Forum’s” editors

Leonid Luks, Andreas Umland, Antonina Zykova

PS: Please, join us in various social networks at:

History of Communism in Europe


Aim and Scope: History of Communism in Europe (HCE) presents itself as a journal open to all academic inquiries, which are sensitive to the moral sobriety, conceptual complexity, and methodological sophistication required by any sustained research on totalitarianism. The scholarly investigations of the 20th century must remain an interdisciplinary enterprise, in which raw data and refined concepts help us understand the subtle dynamics of any given phenomenon. History is polyphonic and so the writing of it must be. It is never easy to pinpoint the causal relationship between distinct events, or the agency of different ideas. Historians talk about chronologies, philosophers study the ideological mutations of the Communist doctrinal monism, sociologists and anthropologists look at everyday life (such as the interaction between majority and minority groups). Some are interested in overarching narratives, while others enrich our knowledge of the past with case-studies. The study of Communism calls for a subtle “fusion of horizons”: on the one hand, there is the interpreter, with his or her subjective background, prejudices, and intellectual proclivities. On the other hand, a whole historical age looms at large over the object found under scholarly scrutiny.

Submit an article: hce”at”

See more details here

Call for submissions:The Journal of the Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (ACME)

The Journal of the Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (ACME) is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the anthropological studies of all societies and cultures in the Middle East and Central Eurasia. Its scope is to publish original research by social scientists not only in the area of anthropology but also in sociology, folklore, religion, material culture and related social sciences. It includes all areas of modern and contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, China) including topics on minority groups and religious themes.

The journal also will review monographic studies, reference works, results of conferences, and international workshops. ACME also publishes review essays, reviews of books and multimedia products (including music, films, and web sites) relevant to the main aims of the journal.

All submissions for articles are peer-reviewed.

ACME is published with the financial support and collaboration of Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France.

For general enquiries and Instructions for Authors, please visit:

Chief Editor
Pedram Khosronejad University of St Andrews, Scotland

Assistant Editor
Faegheh Shirazi, University of Texas, Austin, USA

Book Review Editor
Iqbal Akhtar, Florida International University, USA

Film Review Editor
Michael Abecassis, University of Oxford, UK

Call for film review: Journal of the Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (ACME)

The Journal of the Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia (ACME) welcomes film reviews for his journal. Should you like to review a particular documentary or send us one to review please email the film review editor : Dr Michael Abecassis directly to: michael.abecassis “at” modern-langs. ox. ac. uk

For general enquiries and Instructions for Authors, please visit:

Chief Editor
Pedram Khosronejad University of St Andrews, Scotland

Assistant Editor
Faegheh Shirazi, University of Texas, Austin, USA

Book Review Editor
Iqbal Akhtar, Florida International University, USA

Film Review Editor
Michael Abecassis, University of Oxford, UK

Call for Papers: Building Open Society in Central Asia & South Caucasus

SERIES/CFP- OSI Central Eurasia Project’s Occasional Paper Series

Open Society Institute

The Central Eurasia Project’s Occasional Paper Series

The Open Society Institute (OSI), a private operating and grant-making foundation, aims to shape public policy to promote democratic governance, human rights, and economic, legal, and social reform. OSI was created in 1993 by investor and philanthropist George Soros to support his foundations in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. OSI has expanded the activities of the Soros foundations
network to other areas of the world where the transition to democracy is of particular concern. Active in more than 70 countries, the Open Society Institute works to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens. Working with local communities, the Open Society Institute supports justice and human rights, freedom of expression and access to public health and education.

The Central Eurasia Project (CEP) is one of OSI’s regional initiatives. CEP’s mission is to promote social progress and human rights in the South Caucasus and Central Asia. In doing so, CEP coordinates closely with the Soros Foundations in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. CEP also manages OSI’s activities related to those closed society countries in the region without national foundations, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The programmatic areas of CEP include human rights, labor migration, electricity and hydropower governance, and social and economic policy. The instruments of CEP’s work to pursue its mission are research and advocacy, public information, and targeted grants.

Occasional Paper Series

CEP is looking for authors who are interested in contributing to CEP’s Occasional Papers. The Occasional Papers is a new series of well written papers that will explore under-researched issues and trends that are important for OSI’s efforts to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens in Central Asia and the South Caucasus. As such, they will inform OSI’s programmatic approaches in the region, but will also serve to introduce  these issues into the discussion of the wider community of policy makers, analysts, academics, practitioners and others who take an interest in that work on Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Long-term challenges to the development of open societies in Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus remain insufficiently discussed in the West. While there are a few outlets for high-policy related discussions or mediums that address academic questions whose practical value is limited, there is a need for a paper series that identifies challenges to open society and its supporters in Central Asia and the Caucasus, discusses potential approaches to achieve solutions, and opens these issues to the informed public for debate. While the Occasional Papers will primarily serve an OSI audience, they will also be distributed widely to the interested NGO, academic, policy-making and professional community except in special cases.

CEP is looking for contributors who are interested in authoring a paper of about 25 – 30 pages. Applications are welcome from individuals from a variety of backgrounds including researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and PhD students from the former Soviet Union, U.S. and Europe. CEP is especially interested in papers that would cover the following topics:

* Freedom of religion in Central Asia and the South Caucasus: Issues and Implications
* Understanding Islamic civil society in Central Asia
* China’s role in Central Asia
* CASAREM challenges for Central Asia: Transparency, accountability and domestic energy security
* Public utilities (gas, water, electricity) issues in Central Asia and the South Caucasus
* The War on Terror in Central Asia: Ramifications for Human Rights, Societies and States
* Minority rights in Central Asia and the South Caucasus
* Civil societies role in legal remedies for environmental issues in Central Asia and the South Caucasus
* Implications of information and communication technologies for democratic governance and practice
* Cotton monoculture and agricultural reform in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan

Proposals for papers on other topics related to open society values in Central Asia and the South Caucasus are also welcome.

Interested authors should apply by sending in a complete application package consisting of:

* Expose of the paper no longer than three pages,
* Remuneration requirement,
* CV,
* Writing samples

in English by email to ceppapers@sorosny. org. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and will be reviewed by an expert committee. Successful proposals should be finalized into full papers within two months; drafts will be peer reviewed before the final drafts are published. A limited amount of travel money is available for selected papers that require field research.

Please also see
http://www.soros. org/initiatives/ cep/news/ cep-occasional- papers-20100503

Call for Papers: The Journal of Central Asian and Caucasian Studies

* The Journal of Central Asia and the Caucasian Studies (JCACS) is a refereed journal and published twice (Winter and Summer) a year.

* JCACS publishes scholarly articles in Turkish and English from all over the world. The Editorial Office of the JCACS is in the International Strategic Research Organisation (ISRO) central building in Ankara, Turkey. However, the journal is an independent publication in terms of scientific research and the editors decide its publication policy.

* JCACS focuses on legal, political, sociological, cultural, social, religious, anthropological and economic studies regarding the Central Asia, the Caucasus and neighbouring states’ (Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, China, Mongolia, Russia) and regions’ (the Black Sea, South Asia, the Middle East, the Far East) relations with Central Asia and the Caucasus.

* The journal encourages interdisciplinary studies. Manuscripts submitted to JCACS should be original and challenging, and should not be under consideration by another publication at the time of submission.

* We also welcome short pieces on recent developments and review articles.

* Articles submitted for consideration of publication are subject to peer review. The editorial board and editors consider whether the submitted manuscript follows the rules of scientific writing. The appropriate articles are then sent to two referees known for their academic reputation in their respective areas.

The Editors and referees use three-step guidelines in assessing submissions:

i) Literary quality: Writing style, usage of the language, organisation (paragraphing, syntax, flow etc.)

ii) Use of references. Referencing, sources, relationship of the footnotes to the text.

iii) Scholarship quality: Depth of research, quality; contribution, originality of the contribution (new and creative thought) and plausibility of the author’s argument.

Upon the referees’ decision, the articles will either be published in the journal or rejected for publication. The review process lasts from five to 15 weeks.  Questions regarding the status of submissions should be directed to the editor by e-mail at turgutdem “at” or hasanozertem “at”

The referee reports are kept confidential and stored in the archives for five years.

*Aim *
JCACS’s aim is to generate a productive dialogue and exchange between theorists, writers and practitioners in disparate locations. JCACS assumes that one of the main problems in Central Asian and Caucasian studies is lack of dialogue between writers and scholars from different cultural backgrounds.

All manuscripts and editorial correspondence and enquiries should be addressed to the JCACS Editorial Office (The Office).

*Submission *
We prefer electronic submission to turgutdem “at”, or hasanozertem “at” as a Microsoft word attachment file. Please be sure that you received a confirmation from The Office.

Manuscripts should be one-and-half or double spaced throughout (including all quotations and footnotes) and typed in English on single sides of A4 paper. Generous margins on both sides of the page should be allowed. Pages should be numbered consecutively. The author should retain a copy, as submitted manuscripts cannot be returned. Full names of the author(s) should be given, an address for correspondence, and where possible a contact telephone number, facsimile number and e-mail address.

*Length *
Articles as a rule should not exceed 10,000 words, not including footnotes. Book reviews should be about 2,500 word-length for one book, or maximum 3,500 words for two or more books.

*Style and Proofs *
Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts conform to the JCACS style. Editors will not undertake retyping of manuscripts before publication. Please note that authors are expected to correct and return proofs of accepted articles within two weeks of receipt.

*Titles and Sub-Titles *
Titles in the article should be 12 point, bold and in uppercase. The sub-titles should be 12 point and in the title case form.

*Footnotes *
In the case of books the following order should be observed in footnotes:

Author(s), Title, (Place of Publishing: Publisher, Year), Page. For example:

1. Begali Qosimov, ?stiqlol Qahramonlari: Mahmud Khoja Behbudiy, Tanlangan Asarlar, (Tashkent: Ma’naviyot, 1997), p. 45.

In articles: Author(s), “Article Title”, Journal Title, Vol., No., Year, Page.

2. Chantal Lemercier-Quelquejay, “Abdul Kayum Al-Nasuri: A Tatar Reformer of the 19th Century”, Central Asian Survey, Vol. 1, No. 4, April 1983, pp. 122-124.

*Book Reviews *
Book reviews should be preceded by full publication details including price and ISBN number:

Dale F. Eickelman, The Middle East and Central Asia: An Anthropological Perspective, 4. Edition, (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001). 384 sayfa. Biblo. Index. $48.40. ISBN: 0130336785

Current and recent academic and professional affiliations, and recent major publications for the Notes on Contributors should be supplied with the articles. It should not exceed 150-word.

The authors should send a 200-word abstract of the manuscripts.

For more information about the journal feel free to contact with the editors:

Editors: Turgut DEMIRTEPE & Esra HATIPOGLU
Assisting Editor: Hasan Selim OZERTEM
Editorial Office: JCACS/ OAKA, Ayten Sokak, No: 21, Mebusevleri, Tandogan, Ankara / TURKEY

*E-mail: turgutdem “a t” or hasanozertem “at”*

Call for Papers: Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media

Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media invites submissions on all aspects of new media use in the region.

The journal is published twice per annum; submissions are accepted continuously. However for publication of materials in the autumn issue of Digital Icons the deadline for submissions is 1 September, for the spring issue the deadline is 1 February.

Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media is a peer reviewed journal that explores new media as a variety of information flows, varied communication systems and networked communities (

Contributions to Digital Icons cover a broad range of topics related to the impact of digital and electronic technologies on politics, economics, society, culture and the arts in Russia, Eurasia and Central Europe. The journal publishes works that explore developments in information and communications technologies and their impact on the governance, economy and cultural life of the region. Submissions focusing on internet use and new media forms among the various diasporas of the region are also welcome.

Digital Icons publishes articles by scholars from a variety of academic backgrounds, as well as artists? contributions, interviews, comments, reviews of books, digital films, animation and computer games, and relevant cultural and academic events as well as any other forms of discussion of new media in the region.

Text-based academic entries in English, German or Russian, and/or submissions in other genres, styles and form, reflecting the nature of the medium, by scholars, politicians, artists and cultural practitioners are welcome and will be considered for publication. More information and journal style guide are available here: