Public Lecture: U.S. Foreign Policy during the Obama Era: American Decline or Skillful Global Management?

Speaker: Klaus Larres, Distinguished Professor in History and International Affairs at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Start: June 17, 2014 4:00 pm

End: June 17, 2014 6:00 pm

Venue: 308E, Paramaz Avedisian Building

Address: Baghramyan Ave., 40, Yerevan, Yerevan, 0019, Armenia

This talk will consider the Obama administration’s approach to the most pressing global issues of the present. Following an analysis of President Obama’s foreign policy style, relations with Russia, the EU, Iran and other countries will be discussed. Obama’s “Asian Pivot” and relations with China will also be considered. The talk will pay particular attention to United States’ increasing difficulties with Russia regarding Ukraine, and other regional powers.