co-led by
Dr. Kate Franklin (Birkbeck, University of London)
Dr. Julie George (Graduate Center, City University of New York)
ARISC is organizing an online workshop for participants to learn about the publication process and to prepare a piece for submission. The online workshop will take place online over the course of several months, in a total of two one-day sessions. In the first session, participants will learn about the basics of publishing, selecting a journal, and the phases of publishing. They will learn how to structure their draft for publishing in an English-language, peer-reviewed journal, and understand the structure of the publication process, its various stages, and how to move from one stage to the next. In the second session, applicants will receive initial feedback on a draft article to prepare it for submission.
Interested participants should complete the brief application at by Friday, June 14, 2024. Applicants should either attend or be employed at an institution in the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, or Georgia), or their publication should address a research question about the South Caucasus. Applicants selected to participate will be notified by Wednesday, July 3, 2024, and will be required to send a full, complete first draft of the publication to ARISC by Friday, September 6, 2024, approximately one month before the first workshop date. This workshop has been developed for participants who are novices to publishing in “Western” and English-language academic journals and who are actively preparing a draft for submission. To maintain a small participant to instructor ratio, approximately eight to nine applicants will be selected for this workshop. We especially encourage participants who are at institutions in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and/or Georgia.
The first workshop will take place online on Saturday, October 5, 2024, and the second is scheduled for Saturday, November 16, 2024.
Dr. Julie A. George is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Queens College and The Graduate Center at the City University of New York. Julie’s work focuses on politics in hybrid regimes, with a special focus on state building, elections, political transformation and integration of minorities. Julie has published prolifically on the Caucasus. Her published work includes her book, The Politics of Ethnic Separatism in Russia and Georgia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), as well as articles in various scholarly outlets, including Electoral Studies, Europe-Asia Studies, Post-Soviet Affairs. Julie has served as Associate Editor for both Communist and Post-Communist Studies and Nationalities Papers, the latter for which she is the Special Issues Editor. She also serves on the Editorial Boards of Caucasus Survey and Problems of Postcommunism.
Dr. Kate Franklin is a Senior Lecturer in Medieval History at Birkbeck, University of London. Kate has worked in the Republic of Armenia for more than a decade, with her 2014 PhD from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Chicago focused on the participation of medieval Armenians in the networks of travel and trade now called the medieval Silk Road. Kate’s work explores ideas of place and landscape in materiality and text, and the role of space in entwining the local, the everyday, and the global. Her first book, Everyday Cosmopolitanisms: Living the Silk Road in Medieval Armenia (UCPress 2021)combines historical and archaeological research centered on the role of caravanserais, or inns for travelers, within Armenian political and social life. Her second, co-authored, book Landscapes and Environments of the Middle Ages (Routledge 2023) presents methods and case studies for thinking in interdisciplinary ways about medieval creation, perception, and representations of the ‘natural’ world. Kate is Co-PI of the Vayots Dzor Silk Road Survey, which works to research, record and re-imagine the medieval worlds of Vayots Dzor, Armenia.
For questions, please contact ARISC at
This workshop is free to attend. Funding for this workshop is provided by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) through a grant to the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC).
ARISC does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, medical condition, ancestry, marital status, education, age, income, socio-economic status, or status as a covered veteran.