
The First Oil Boom in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century and Its Impact on the Cosmopolitan Nature of Baku

Edited from: “Baku: From Cosmopolitan City to National Capital of Azerbaijan”
by Shamkhal Abilov, Qafqaz University

Keywords: oil, Baku, ethnic minorities, religion, Jews, Russians, Armenians

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Cultural and Social Background of the City of Tbilisi

Edited from: “Contesting the Religious Landscape: Social and Cultural Background of Discourses on Georgianization of the Armenian Churches in Tbilisi”
by Yulia Antonyan, Yerevan State University

Keywords: Tbilisi, multi-ethnic, religious landscape, secularization

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Preservation of the Armenian Religious Heritage in Georgia

Edited from: “Contesting the Religious Landscape: Social and Cultural Background of Discourses on Georgianization of the Armenian Churches in Tbilisi”
by Yulia Antonyan, Yerevan State University

Keywords: de-secularization, wars of memory, Georgian Orthodox Church, Armenian Apostolic Church, nationalistic, Georgianization, Father Tariel, Norashen, Surb Nshan, Sahakashvili

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The Armenian Diasporic Community of Tbilisi

Edited from: “Contesting the Religious Landscape: Social and Cultural Background of Discourses on Georgianization of the Armenian Churches in Tbilisi”
by Yulia Antonyan, Yerevan State University

Keywords: diaspora, Armenia, Tbilisi, Vardaton, Sayat Nova,Vernatun, Hayartun, churches question

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Edited from: “Offences of the National Memory: Political Orientation and Ethnic Identity in the Soviet Azerbaijan”
by Shalala Mammadova, Baku State University

Keywords: Tats, history, Turkey, Iran, Azerbajian, Soviet government

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Church Architecture: Mren, Zvart'nots' and Ptłni

Edited from: “Armenian Art of the Seventh Century and the Problem of Periphery”
by Christina Maranci, Tufts University

Keywords: architecture, churches, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, domed basilica, cruciform, barrel vaults, rotunda, ambulatory, Holy Sepulchre, capitals, domes, Mren, Zvart’nots’, Ptłni

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The Golden Age of Architecture in a Shifting Socio-Political World

Edited from: “Armenian Art of the Seventh Century and the Problem of Periphery”
by Christina Maranci, Tufts University

Keywords: Holy Land, Heraclius, tympanum, Byzantine, Persian, Mren, Ptłni, Zvart’nots

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Relics and Monuments of the Holy Land: The Churches of Mren and Zvart'nots'

Edited from: “Armenian Art of the Seventh Century and the Problem of Periphery”
by Christina Maranci, Tufts University

Keywords: Return of the Cross, relief sculpture, Heraclius, Armenia, Persian, Jerusalem, Byzantine, Kren, Zvart’nots’

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Local Visual and Ritual Practices in the Church of Ptłni

Edited from: “Armenian Art of the Seventh Century and the Problem of Periphery”
by Christina Maranci, Tufts University

Keyworks: social history, Ptłni, Zvart’nots’, Mren, churches, Eucharist, medieval, noble life

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The Genocide of the Armenians and the Jews

Edited from: “Armenians and Jews: Neighbors in Memory”
by Harutyun Marutyan, Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia

Keywords: Genocide, Holocaust, massacre

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Why and In What Circumstances Did Catholics From Erzurum Come to Western Georgia and Partly to Northern Armenia?

Edited from: “‘Franks’: Armenian Catholics in Armenia and Georgia in the 20th Century. Preliminary Results of Historical and Oral History Studies”
by Jakub Osiecki, Pontifical University of John Paul II

Keywords: Armenian Franks, Catholics, Ottoman vilayet, Tsarists Russia

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The Religious History of the Caucasus

Edited from: “St. George in the Caucasus: Singular and Plural”
by Kevin Tuite, Montréal/Jena

Keywords: Christianity, Eastern Georgia, Western Georgia, Greek Deities

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The St. George Cult

Edited from: “St. George in the Caucasus: Singular and Plural”
by Kevin Tuite, Montréal/Jena

Keywords: St. George, History, Iconography, linguistics

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