Title VIII Combined Research And Language Training Program, American Councils

Funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Program for Research and Training on Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (Title VIII), the American Councils Combined Research and Language Training (CRLT) Program serves graduate students and scholars who, in addition to support for research in the independent states of the former Soviet Union, require supplemental language instruction. The synergistic nature of the research and language training aspects of the Combined Research and Language Training Program promises both more productive research and efficient language acquisition.

Applicants must conduct research and language study for a minimum of three months in the field to a maximum of nine months in the field. Participants must have attained at least an intermediate level of language proficiency to apply.

The total value of Title VIII CRLT fellowships, administered by American Councils, ranges from $5,000 to $25,000. Typical awards include:

  • International airfare from the scholar’s home city to his/her host-city overseas
  • Academic affiliation at a leading local university or educational institution
  • Up to ten academic hours per week of advanced language instruction in Russian, the host-country language, or a combination of the two at a leading university. Classes are often conducted as private tutorials, focusing on each participant’s individual needs and interests
  • Visa(s) arranged by American Councils in direct collaboration with academic host institutions in order to facilitate archive access and guarantee timely visa registration, if necessary for the country of research
  • A monthly housing stipend
  • A monthly living stipend
  • Health insurance of up to $100,000 per accident or illness
  • Ongoing logistical support from American Councils offices throughout the region, including an in-country orientation and 24-hour emergency aid

Deadline: December 15, 2015

For additional information, please visit: http://researchfellowships.americancouncils.org/crlt