Wenner-Gren Institutional Development Grants

The Institutional Development Grant (IDG) supports the growth and development of anthropological doctoral programs in countries where the discipline is under-represented and where there are limited resources for academic development. The grant provides $25,000 per year and is renewable for a maximum of five years providing a total of $125,000. The grant may be used for any purpose that contributes to the development goals of the applicant department. These may include, but are not limited to, things such as staff/faculty or student training activities, networking activities, student fellowships, staff/faculty or student exchange programs with partnership institutions, the acquisition of equipment, library materials and other resources, etc.

The Foundation expects applicants to arrange partnerships with one or more national or foreign institutions that can help the applicant department achieve its development goals. (Click to see a list of the departments awarded the IDG and a description of their projects).

There are two stages in the Institutional Development Grant application process. The first stage is a preliminary inquiry.The deadline for submitting a preliminary inquiry is May 15, 2017. If the preliminary inquiry is successful, the applicant will be invited to submit a full application. The deadline for submitting a full application is September 15 and the final decision is normally made within eight to ten weeks. Applicants must be prepared to receive a site visit from representatives of the Foundation at any time during the duration of the grant. One new award is made each year. Awards and renewals cover a 12-month period beginning January 1 of each year.

Successful applicant departments are expected to participate in periodic Foundation-sponsored networking activities with successful departments from other years to share ideas and experience.

Further questions about this program should be e-mailed to: development “at” wennergren.org.

For more information see http://www.wennergren.org/programs/institutional-development-grants