This web site provides background on the Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund. Mrs. Liebmann was the daughter of Krikor Zohrab, a prominent Armenian intellectual, writer and statesman. She supported students and educational and charitable organizations during her lifetime.
Funding Interests:
1. Graduate school fellowships in any recognized field of study in the humanities, social sciences or natural sciences (including law, medicine, engineering, architecture or other formal professional training).
2. Independent research or study projects.
3. Publications focusing on Armenian studies.
Geographic Focus: National
1. Fellowships are restricted to graduate students who are United States citizens attending an accredited and designatedinstitution of higher education within the United States.View the list of designated institutions
The program of study need not be limited to Armenian studies, and candidates can be of any national descent. Applications must be submitted through the dean of the university where the student is pursuing graduate studies. In the case of undergraduate liberal arts colleges, students in their senior year are eligible to apply for a fellowship to fund their future graduate work. Please contact your school’s financial aid or fellowship office for more information and to obtain an application.
2. Independent research and study grants are restricted to scholars who are based in and conducting research in the United States. PLEASE NOTE: Independent research and study grants are offered only on rare occasion.
3. The Fund also makes grants to support the publication of dissertations or historical or literary works focusing on Armenian culture or history.
Additional conditions apply for all three programs.
Eligibility: Fellowship candidates must have an outstanding undergraduate record, demonstrate financial need and be attending a designated college or university.
Grant Information: Fellowships cover the cost of tuition and provide an annual $18,000 stipend for living expenses. Publication grants vary depending on magnitude of the publication.
Grant Cycle:
1. Fellowship applications are distributed to designated universities in October, applications are due in January and decisions are made in April/May.
2. Publications deadlines are April 15th and November 15th.
Type of Support: Tuition and living expenses; research and publishing costs.
JPMorgan Chase Relationship: Sole Trustee